Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Love the Gay Men...PART 2!

This is a true story from the lab. I haven't been here hardly five minutes when, out of the blue, I hear a little squeak coming from behind me where the printers are. The lab is always humming and buzzing with computer activity, but rarely does it squeak. I ignore the noise, because that is how I avoid offering my assistance to anyone while I'm here. No eye contact. Eyes on computer screen. Look busy. I feel a light tap-tap on my shoulder. I turn, and what do I view but a gorgeous, impeccably-groomed Queen of Sheba. My heart melted: gay men are my kryptonite. I send out a "Can I help you?" and he deftly returns with a "This bitch won't print in color!" He is very right - our printers do not, in fact, print in color. I tell him this, he looks upset. "That ruins my day. No self-respecting gay man can print in black and white." AND THE LOVE IS CEMENTED.


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